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Resultaten 13501 - 13520 van ongeveer 20584
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Engels Duplicated-indexes-upload
Warning, there are 2 duplicated indexes of [1]upload items[/1] on line %l1 and line %l2
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes appears twice, it will be replaced by the same soudn or illustration. Usually it's not what we want to do, that's way we must display a warning.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Vereenvoudigd Chinees 重复-索引-上传
Chinees 重復-索引-上傳
Braziliaans Portugees Duplicados-índices-carregados
Portugees Duplicados-índices-carregados
Albanees Kopje-tregues-upload
Roemeens Duplicate-indexuri-itemi
Duits Versoppelt-Indizes-Upload
Esperanto Multobligitaj-indeksoj-enŝuti
Arabisch فهرسان -منسوخان -محمّلة
Italiaans Duplicati-indici-Upload
Turks Kopylanması - indeksler - yüklenmesi
Nederlands Duplicaat - index- upload
Spaans Indices-subidos-duplicados
Russisch Duplicated-indexes-upload
Catalaans pujar-índex-duplicats
Engels Warning-original-revision
Warning, some [1]upload items[/1] (%l) from the original revision cannot be find in the edited revision, are you sure you want to go on?
Upload items are a sound or an illustration. They are integrated in the wiki article and can be recorded/edited by the visitor. Each upload item is identified by a number (called the "index"). When editing a wiki article, if one of the indexes has disapeared, the sound or the illustration will be deleted, that's why we must display a warning.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Vereenvoudigd Chinees 警告-原始-修订版
Chinees 警告-原始-修訂
Braziliaans Portugees Atenção-original-versão
Portugees Atenção-original-versão
Albanees Kujdes-origjinale-perpunuar
Arabisch تحذير -مراجعة-أصليّة
Italiaans Avvertimento-originale-revisione
Duits Warnung-Original-Bearbeitung
Esperanto Averto-originala-revizaĵo
Zweeds Varning-original-revision
Turks Uyarı-Orijinal-Yenileme
Nederlands Waarschuwing - originele - versie
Spaans Advertencia-version-original
Roemeens Atenţie-versiunea-originală
Russisch Внимание-оригинал-проверка
Catalaans Avís-original-revisió
Engels Language-comment-lesson
Language used to comment the lesson
It's about a language lesson. There are 2 languages in the lesson : the taught language and the language used to describe and explain the lesson. "Language used to comment the lesson" represents the latest.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Arabisch لغة -تعليق -درس
Italiaans Lingua-commentare-lezione
Roemeens Limbă-comentare-lecţie
Catalaans Llengua-comentar-lliçó
Spaans Lengua-comentar-lección
Turks Lisan-yorum-ders
Duits Zum Kommentieren der Lektion verwendete Sprache
Chinees 語言-註解-課文
Albanees Gjuhë-koment-mësim
Braziliaans Portugees idioma-comentar-lição
Portugees Língua-commentary-lição
Bulgaars Eзик-коментар-урок
Pools Język użyty do komentowania lekcji
Vereenvoudigd Chinees 语言-注释-课文
Japans 言語コメントレッスン
Nederlands Taal-commentaar-les
Esperanto leciona komenta lingvo
Hebreeuws שפה-תגובה-שיעור
Zweeds Språk-Kommentar-Lektion
Russisch Язык-провести-урок
Kroatisch Jezik-komentar-lekcija
Grieks Γλώσσα-σχόλιο-μάθημα
Deens Sprog-kommentere-lektion
Hongaars Nyelv-magyaràzat-lecke
Hindi पाठ की टिप्पणीमें इस्तेमाल की गई भाषा
Koreaans 언어-설명-수업
Tsjechisch Jazyk-komentování-lekce
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